Original Research Articles
Influence of atmospheric temperature on the occurrence of irreversible pulpitis clinical cases
Bianca Pauline Sausen
Tiago André Fontoura de Melo
Itaborai Revoredo Kunert
Gustavo Golgo Kunert
Clinical and radiographic assessment of root canal treatments performed by dental students
Andressa Benvenutti
Micheli Scalvi
Sinval Adalberto Rodrigues Junior
Carla Battiston
Effect of the use of different periodontal curettes on the topography and roughness of root surface
Matheus André Müller
Emanuelle Cunha
Rafaela Scariot
João Cesar Zielak
Felipe Rychuv Santos
Tatiana Miranda Deliberador
Carmen Lucia Mueller Storrer
Measurement of Spee curve in individuals with temporomandibular disorders: a cross-sectional study
Glaucia Marques Dias
Letícia Ladeira Bonato
Patrícia Rocha Coelho
Josemar Parreira Guimarães
Rafaela Ladeira Bonato
Literature Review Article
Marilisa Carneiro Leão Gabardo
Carolina Dea Bruzamolin
João Armando Brancher
Samuel Jorge Moysés
Case Report Article
Bruna da Fonseca Wastner
Vitor Hugo Candido Ferreira
Juliana Lucena Schussel
Roberta Targa Stramandinoli-Zanicotti
Laurindo Moacir Sassi
Thermoplastic endodontic obturation – TC system: case report
Kauhanna Vianna de Oliveira
Flávia Sens Fagundes Tomazinho
Beatriz Serrato Coelho
Rodrigo Otavio Jatahy Ferreira do Amaral
Bruno Marques da Silva
Flares Baratto Filho
Kauhanna Vianna de Oliveira
Surgical treatment of mandibular condyle fracture with bicortical screws: case report
Guilherme dos Santos Trento
Paola Fernanda Cotait de Lucas Corso
Naylin Danyelle de Oliveira
Leandro Eduardo Klüppel
Delson João da Costa
Nelson Luis Barbosa Rebellato
Rafaela Scariot
Giant sialolith of submandibular gland: case Report
Edimar Rafael de Oliveira
Carlos Daniel Siqueira Coradette
Giordano Bruno de Oliveira Marson
Paulo Norberto Hasse
A simplified restorative technique of fractured maxillary anterior teeth
Adilson Yoshio Furuse
Fabio Antonio Piola Rizzante
Rafael Francisco Lia Mondelli
Juliana Fraga Soares Bombonatti
Crown lengthening surgery and transurgical restoration
Isabô Hayná Gomes Tortoriello
Luana Kelle Batista Moura
Raphael Camargo Costa
Milena Salete de Souza Pinto
Vivian Colucci
Andrea Marcia Marcaccini